Tuesday 10 September 2013

This year we decided that we were going to buck the trend of past years and not leave Christmas shopping to the last minute. With that in mind, we began looking for ideas on what to get the kids for Christmas. Now, because my son turns  11 just before Christmas rolls around this year we weren't nearly as confident in our ability to choose the types of gifts that would produce cries of "oh man that's so cool"  and more worried that what we'd actually get was just crying on Christmas morning. You see, our son has developed a keen sense of brand awareness and has some very definite ideas on what qualifies as a "cool gift". And that's when it struck us. We had absolutely no idea what to get someone that's not quite a kid but isn't an adult either Resigned to the fact that "cheap and cheerful" just wasn't going to cut it this year we turned to the internet for guidance.

After quite a bit of time browsing the internet we've come up with what we think may just pass as a "cool' list of gifts for 11 year old boys. Realizing that we can't be the only parents in the world that have found tehmselves in this situation we decided to share what we've learned here on Blogspot.
Now I'm not saying that this guide is necessarily right for you but we did have a fair crack and have identified some pretty good ideas and if you're anything like we were you may just need all the help you can get.

Lego Mindstorms EV3

The appeal of Lego never fails to surprise me .Even though our son does his best to convince us that Lego is for babies, he can quite happily sit in his room for hours putting together a Lego play set. Once completed it is placed carefully on display on his book case. That said the Lego Mindstorms EV3 is not exactly what I would call a toy for babies. One big difference with this compared to previous releases is that kids can build, program and play with this unit in 20 minutes flat. From there they can make their designs more and more complex the only limitation is there imagination.

Gifts for 11 year old boys

Lego Mindstorms EV3

Nerf Firevision Sports Football

Ben is always running around outside, jumping over things, kicking balls around or wrestling with his sister. Problem is when it begins to get dark they're not always ready to stop playing football and the game moves inside. Well we that think we've found the answer to that. The Nerf Firevision comes with two sets of glasses usually one red pair and one green pair. The way it works is that one puts on the glasses and it gives the football an instant red or green glow depending on the glasses they're wearing. This makes it so easy to play in the dark outside now. Problem solved.

gifts for 11 year old boys

Nerf Firevision  Football

Vortex Pyragon Blaster

It would seem that the appeal of a home grown Nerf Gun battle never gets old. And for that reason the Nerf Vortex Pyragon Blaster has made it on our list. Imagine your kids expressions as they see this bad boy coming out of the box. Parents, instead of getting caught in the cross fire why not arm yourself with this and nail your kids from across the room.

Vortex Pyragon Blaster

Skull Candy Gaming Headphones

Limiting our son's screen time has it's challenges at times. But, if he is going to plug in we prefer that he do it wearing a headset. Our son has been begging us to get him a pair of Skull Candy headphones The beauty of these is these is the peace and quite that they bring you. And if it keeps him engaged for a couple hours then so be it.

Skull Candy Gaming Headset

MG Portable Android Wi-Fi Game System

For those boys that don't already have already have a smart phone this could be a good option. It allows them to download all their apps and games also stops them from using yours.

MG Portable Android Wi-Fi Game System



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